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July 6, 2015

Agility Class Boot Camp

Before putting buns on the grill at a Fourth of July barbeque, Penny and I got our buns grilled at our very first agility class with Chicago Agility. It was a great training experience for us both.  When we walked in, neither Penny nor I was certain
Before putting buns on the grill at a Fourth of July barbeque, Penny and I got our buns grilled at our very first agility class with Chicago Agility. It was a great training experience for us both. Rhodesian Ridgeback, chicago, agility, puppy

When we walked in, neither Penny nor I was certain what to expect

Rhodesian Ridgeback, chicago, agility, puppy

Despite having run for an hour at the beach earlier that afternoon, Penny was still itching to let loose at the beginning of the lesson

Dee, the Director of Training, is part ringleader, part maestro, and 100% awesome. In just our first class she dropped so much new training knowledge, tactics and strategy on us that my head is still spinning.

What I enjoy most about the class is the focus and attention it requires from both Penny and myself.

Rhodesian Ridgeback, chicago, agility, puppy

Of course, Penny wasn’t focused on me at first – she just wanted to romp with the other pups

Rhodesian Ridgeback, chicago, agility, puppy

When I wouldn’t budge, Penny gave me the stink-eye and resigned herself to sniffing around the ladder

Rhodesian Ridgeback, chicago, agility, puppy

Which is just what we were hoping for! We’re taking baby steps to shape a positive relationship with the equipment. Each time Penny interacted with the ladder she got lots of treats and praise

Rhodesian Ridgeback, chicago, agility, puppy

By the end of the exercise Penny was practically a firefighter with the way she was going up and down the ladder. Granted, it was not even close to the right form, but we’re only just getting started

Rhodesian Ridgeback, chicago, agility, puppy

No that’s not an evil creature (well, I guess it depends on who you ask), that’s Penny checking out the tunnel at the end of class

Rhodesian Ridgeback, chicago, agility, puppy

Whether she darted through to get to me or to prison-break herself so she could play with the other dogs is anyone’s guess

Rhodesian Ridgeback, chicago, agility, puppy

Ok, no guessing needed. It was a prison break. The inmate was quickly apprehended

Rhodesian Ridgeback, chicago, agility, puppy

After the physical exhaustion of the beach and the mental exhaustion of class, Penny-girl slept like a rock

I think this agility class is going to be great for Penny, me and Eko’s sanity. He’s certainly earned some quiet time. We have plenty of homework to keep us busy so I’ll be sure to share some of the fun training-exercises we learn along the way.

Hope everyone stateside enjoyed the holiday!

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