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March 24, 2015

A Dog-Friendly Guide to Spring in Chicago

70 and sunny in Chicago last week, baby! Coming in for a visit to the Windy City this spring? Great. Bring your sunscreen and shorts. Also bring your winter jacket and boots As it inevitably does, winter still grapples for control of the skies with spring. In Chicago
70 and sunny in Chicago last week, baby! Coming in for a visit to the Windy City this spring? Great. Bring your sunscreen and shorts.

Also bring your winter jacket and boots

As it inevitably does, winter still grapples for control of the skies with spring. In Chicago that means 70 degree days followed by the heavy snowfall we received yesterday morning. The nice thing about dogs though, is that no matter which kind of “spring” day it is, it’s always beach weather. Undeterred by the snow, I scraped off the car and we had our day at the beach. Rhodesian Ridgeback, puppy, chicago, montrose dog beach

It was surreal to see summer-like waves roll up on a snow-covered shore

Rhodesian Ridgeback, puppy, chicago, montrose dog beach

For the pups, snow just meant more fun powder to romp in

Rhodesian Ridgeback, puppy, chicago, montrose dog beach

The sting of a spring snowstorm was significantly lessened when I watched the dogs ham it up

Rhodesian Ridgeback, puppy, chicago, montrose dog beach

“Hey buddy, we see you taking photos. We got a blog, we’re ready for our close up.”

Rhodesian Ridgeback, puppy, chicago, montrose dog beach

The day wasn’t what I would have hoped for, but it was more fun than I could have expected. The weird weather made for some fun photos

Rhodesian Ridgeback, puppy, chicago, montrose dog beach

And a couple goofy pups

With this crazy spring weather, you just never know what you’ll see.

For example, we’re pretty sure we saw these dogs elect this wizard as their leader

So if you’re visiting Chicago with your dog in the spring, you’re going to the beach. Now as to whether you’ll need a beach umbrella or just a regular umbrella? Better pack both.

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