“I don’t understand. Where are the fences?”
Eko could not believe his good fortune when we walked into the off leash section of the park. There is a fence along the road, but aside from that the park is a massive area which includes fields, forests, trails and lakes. In most dog parks Eko has to slow down as he nears the fence, but at Shelby I got to see Eko really let loose. I have recreated Eko’s romp for you in photo form, since any video would just be a blur:
The calm before the storm
And he’s off
The Ridgeback comes over the ridge
Eko, you’re gonna slow down, right?
Somehow the camera managed to survive this encounter, so I was able to snap a few more photos of Eko in action.
Eko looked much more graceful jumping over these logs in person. This photo kind of makes it look like he is doing a magic trick where he levitates his butt
Bartender, I’ll have what he’s having
Shelby Farms was so big that it is much more like a Dog Kingdom than a dog park. It is definitely the largest off-leash area we have ever visited, and I haven’t seen Eko have that much fun in a long time. He may think that since he was the king at the Beggin Pet Parade it means that Shelby Park was the kingdom he inherited. I’ll have to let the little guy down gently. That is, if I can ever get him to budge from his throne…
“What? I’m tired.”