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December 29, 2011

A Midtown Night’s Dream

Our first attempt to explore midtown on Tuesday would have been better if we had a boat, so last we took advantage of last’s night clear sky to explore the area. Water skis would have been more useful than ice skates on Tuesday
Our first attempt to explore midtown on Tuesday would have been better if we had a boat, so last we took advantage of last’s night clear sky to explore the area.

Water skis would have been more useful than ice skates on Tuesday

But last night the ice rink at Byrant Park came alive

The seasonal installation at Bryant Park includes rows of outdoor shops. You can shop and walk your dog at the same time – not too shabby.

After exploring the Bryant Park area, we made our way over to Times Square.

Hello NYC!

Just your typical New Yorker…

This is about as close to the African Savanna as Eko is likely to get 

And when in New York, do as the tourists do

Yup.  That’s right.  I got a cartoon portrait done of myself in Times Square.  But I’m not the only one…

Recognize these characters?

The artist definitely got my big head right, but I’d like to think my teeth aren’t so big.  In any event, the crowd got a big kick out of watching the artist try to figure out the best way to charcoal Eko.

Like I mentioned yesterday, Eko and I will be downtown today, so look for us near Union Square this morning or drop us a line to find out where we are later.

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