Eko’s Christmas gifts normally wouldn’t have lasted more than ten minutes, but for now the best he can manage is a lazily chew
Eko, Scout and Dutch were all down for the count early last night
Dutch was so tired that he didn’t even bother to get his whole body on the couch before passing out
As usual, life remains tough for Eko. As soon as I got up for a glass of water, Eko snuck in and stole primo real estate in front of the fire
Eko and I have a couple days to catch our breath before hitting the road again, and I can’t say that either of us minds the quiet. A few more good days relaxing in front of the fire and we’ll be ready to take 2013 by storm. Hope everyone gets the chance to take a break from the chaos of the holidays to treat yourself to a few relaxing moments. With pets, a few moments is all you usually get!