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January 7, 2014

Cabin Fever

Eko and Penny had a great time frolicking in the Blizzard snow.  My little explorer went in, under, over and through the snow We were lucky enough to have warmish weather during the blizzard itself, but temps have dropped so the pups prefer to keep their arctic
Eko and Penny had a great time frolicking in the Blizzard snow. rhodesian ridgeback, puppy, chicago, marking our territory, adventure

My little explorer went in, under, over and through the snow

We were lucky enough to have warmish weather during the blizzard itself, but temps have dropped so the pups prefer to keep their arctic expeditions on the shorter side. Of course, their energy is never in short supply so it wasn’t long before Penny developed a case of cabin fever.

rhodesian ridgeback, puppy, chicago, marking our territory, adventure

“Hey Eko, I want the comfy spot next to Emily. Move.”

rhodesian ridgeback, puppy, chicago, marking our territory, adventure

“Penny, if you smack me and stick out your tongue one more time…”

rhodesian ridgeback, puppy, chicago, marking our territory, adventure

And so the great “Blizzard of 2015 Wrestling Championship” kicked off

rhodesian ridgeback, puppy, chicago, marking our territory, adventure

Remember last week when I said Emily had become a dog person?

rhodesian ridgeback, puppy, chicago, marking our territory, adventure

Well, if you needed any more proof, here she is working, barely noticing the dogs wrestling on top of her computer

While the pups continued their battle, I shoveled and shoveled and shoveled some more. Blizzard or no blizzard, these pups need to get out for a romp. By the time I came back in, Eko and Penny had declared a truce. The terms? Equal comfiness.

rhodesian ridgeback, puppy, chicago, marking our territory, adventure

I’m not even sure why we bought couches. The dogs think a recliner is enough space for three

rhodesian ridgeback, puppy, chicago, marking our territory, adventure

There are certainly worse ways to spend a blizzard

It took a few hours and a few advil, but the apartment and the cars are shoveled out. Now, time for us to see if there’s anything left of our beloved dog beach. Finger’s crossed!

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