No, this photo is not the result of an Eko cloning experiment. On Thursday afternoon we met up with Marci, a local LA resident and Ridgeback owner. I met Marci thanks to Barbara, another Ridgeback owner who posted on the blog. Marci also happens to be a casting director, so hopefully she can get Eko a part in the next blockbuster she casts for!
On our our way out of LA LA we stopped by Three Dog Bakery and saw this for sale. Did I have any idea what it was? No. Did I buy it? Obviously. Turns out that it’s just pure beef broth with some glucosamine and vitamins – Eko loves it as a treat!
Before we hit the Pacific Coast Highway we spent Friday Night in Morro Bay at the Bayfront Inn. They really knew how to make their guests, both human and canine, feel right at home
The squirrels in Morro Bay were entirely unconcerned that Eko was just a few bounds away from their Friday night dinner party. Luckily for them I had a tight grip on the leash
Gracious as always, Eko allowed me to join him for dinner at Dockside Too in Morro Bay
I need to figure out where Dockside gets its signs
We started off Saturday with a trip to the Morro Bay Dog Beach – you can see Morro Rock half-lost in the morning fog. I managed to momentarily subdue Eko for this stoic shot…
…and then he went right back to his usual happy-faced romping
Our next stop was the Elephant Seal Rookery. Although it appeared like these seals may have partied a bit too hard the night before, we learned that they were actually just resting before their northern migration.
“Hey seals, meet me at dog beach!”
It may take longer to drive the Pacific Coast Highway, but the views are well worth it. The road had plenty of points where you can pull over and get some amazing photos.
The views are so incredible that you’ll just feel like hugging the nearest creature
And so after an adventurous few days we find ourselves in San Francisco. The first order of business is to buy an external hard drive so I won’t have to worry about losing all my data again. After that, we’re off to find the best Bay Area pet-friendly adventures. We’re finishing up our time in California this week, so if you have any last minute suggestions be sure to let me know.