Puppy Penny grew up spending a ton of time with Dutch, my brother’s first GSP
When she wasn’t with Dutch, Penny was on Dutch
Penny’s affinity for Dutch carried over to every pointer we met. She’d gleefully track them down at the park
And lead them on wild chases across the beach
Her love for Pointers made her immediately enamoured with Doc, my brother’s adopted senior
Wherever Doc romps, Penny romps
We’ve seen a lot more pointers around recently and Penny is always delighted
Penny’s yet to meet a pointer she didn’t love
Though I can’t say the reverse is always quite true…
German Shorthaired Pointers are a perfect match for Penny. They have boundless energy and they are singularly focused on fetching their ball. Which means Penny knows she can steal that ball and lead them on an endless chase!
What about you guys? Do your dogs have an affinity for any particular breed/type of pup?