“Come on man, just let me go play!”
Eko likes to visualize the jumps beforehand, he says it’s what the pros do
Houston Denver, we have liftoff
While it looks like he’s hanging from invisible strings, Eko was actually mid-jump
All play and no work makes Eko a tired boy
Zoom Room was the perfect antidote to Eko’s cabin fever. It’s always great to have a place indoors for your dog to play and the $5 I spent for use of the open gym might just be the best $5 I spend all week. If you’re in Denver and the weather’s not cooperating, Zoom Room is definitely the place to tire your pup out before you hit the slopes.
On an unrelated note, I am of the firm belief that Eko is part dinosaur. The weather finally broke, so I am going to take Eko to visit some of his ancestors at Dinosaur Ridge. The park’s site mentions that there are tons of fossils, but the site doesn’t say either way whether they also breed living dinosaurs. I’m holding out hope, but I’ll let you know how it goes either way.