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May 15, 2012

Dog Friendly San Francisco: The Golden Gate Bridge

With so much going on in our lives, it’s easy to forget things.  We forget to go to the store, we forget where we put the keys and we forget to pay the IRS (sorry about that one, Uncle Sam).  But above all else, it seems like we too

With so much going on in our lives, it’s easy to forget things.  We forget to go to the store, we forget where we put the keys and we forget to pay the IRS (sorry about that one, Uncle Sam).  But above all else, it seems like we too often forget to play, have fun and enjoy ourselves.  Thankfully, dogs never forget how important it is to play.  Yesterday, I was distracted by a number of things, but Eko ran to the door and gave me a look which said, “As long as you don’t spill coffee on it, your computer will always be there, but we only have one shot to live this day to the fullest!”

And so I laced up my shoes and we set our course for the Golden Gate Bridge.

dog friendly san francisco

Our first stop was Presidio Park – we hit the trails and wound our way up and over to the bridge

dog friendly san franciscoSure beats sitting in the hotel room 

dog friendly san francisco

We cut down the trail and found an off-leash area in view of the bridge 

dog friendly san francisco

And just when it seemed like things couldn’t get any better, we found an off-leash beach with views of the bridge and Alcatraz.  Talk about prime real estate!

dog friendly san francisco

Eko causing mischief in the shadow of Alcatraz

dog friendly san francisco

After we made it back, Eko came up with a creative solution to the problem of how to sunbathe and sleep in the dark at the same time

Thanks to Eko, I got my butt in gear and we had a great afternoon that I otherwise would have wasted.  So next time your pup gives you a look like he or she is ready for adventure, lace up your shoes and follow along!  You’ll have fun, feel great and the world will look a little brighter when you get back. Dogs are good like that.

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