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October 15, 2013

Eko-locks And The Three Beds

When Eko has his midlife crisis and writes a book, the title of his memoir will be Eat. Play. Love. And Sleep. Between his morning nap, his late-morning nap, his afternoon nap, his late-afternoon nap and his evening nap, Eko knows a thing or two about how to catch some shut-eye.

When Eko has his midlife crisis and writes a book, the title of his memoir will be Eat. Play. Love. And Sleep. Between his morning nap, his late-morning nap, his afternoon nap, his late-afternoon nap and his evening nap, Eko knows a thing or two about how to catch some shut-eye.  The most important thing when it comes to sleep is a comfy bed so I have always tried to make sure Eko has a nice spot to lay his head.

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, chicago, marking our territory, eko, dogs

Eko’s first sleeping arrangement was a bit cramped, but he managed

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, chicago, marking our territory, eko, dogs

Eko shared his first bed (a nice foam bed Emily’s mom gave me) with his big sister, Scout.  Unfortunately I learned the hard way that you should never give a soft, chewable bed to a teething puppy!

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, chicago, marking our territory, eko, dogs

Eko’s next bed was an eggcrate stalwart (not pictured) that we used on the road.  But like this little bed, Eko eventually outgrew the eggcrate and it was time for an upgrade

 Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, chicago, marking our territory, eko, dogs

Eko’s current bed is a Molly Mutt cover stuffed with old sleeping bags and comforters

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, chicago, marking our territory, eko, dogs

With his favorite blanket on top, Eko has comfortably snoozed in this bed for over a year

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, chicago, marking our territory, eko, dogs

As to why he likes to sleep with his head off the bed?  Your guess is as good as mine

I thought I found Eko-locks a bed that fit “just right” but it now appears my prince feels a pea.  In the past week it seems like Eko has more trouble finding a comfortable way to curl up on his bed.  I have washed the cover, fluffed and repacked the blankets within but nothing seems to do the trick.  I plan to try a couple other solutions, but in the meantime I am keeping my eye out for a potential replacement bed.

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, chicago, marking our territory, eko, dogsDid I get some strange looks at Costco? Yes, but how else was I supposed to test this bed for Eko?

Eko really loved his original foam bed (so much so that he ripped it up) so I am leaning towards another one of those.  My thought is that maybe Eko kicks up the covers in his current bed and it makes for uncomfortable spots, a problem that a foam bed hopefully wouldn’t have.  Guess it’s time for me to take a look around and check out the available options.

Anyone have any recommendations for dog beds?


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