Thanks to Eko I have had the good fortune to meet new people and try new things. Of all of our adventures, one of my favorite is our outing to the Dog Day White Sox game.
Every kid grows up playing at the park, pretending to be on a Major League field…
But how many people get to actually walk out on one of those Major League fields? With Eko as my escort, we got to walk underneath the bright lights and see the field like the players do
I have been to plenty of baseball games, but none of them could match the festive atmosphere of Dog Day. The crowd absolutely loved the pups and you could tell the dogs loved the novelty of it all
Eko’s only disappointment that evening was learning he was not allowed to go after the ball
Now, I thought Dog Day was where the story would end, but it appears it was just the beginning. ESPN usually breaks all sports related news, but today I have a MOTN (Marking Our Territory News) exclusive. In a surprise move, the Chicago White Sox have traded canine superstar Mr. Eko to the St. Louis Cardinals. In return, the Cardinals promise to relieve the city of Chicago of the burden of Eko’s pal Will, if only for the weekend. Translation: this Saturday the Cardinals host the Rangers for their annual Purina Pooches In The Ballpark event, and I managed to score some tickets! That means Eko and I will get to walk on another MLB field and enjoy another fun night at the ballpark together. That Eko sure takes care of me. The ticket also includes a buffet – human food only though, don’t tell Eko. Now, I have two questions for anyone out there who might be able to help. First, the parade around the field is “baseball costume” themed, any suggestions about what Eko could wear? Maybe I’ll make him a “Babe Woof” (Ruth) shirt? Also, if you know your local MLB team has a dog night, drop me a line. Not sure if it’s feasible, but maybe Eko and I will be the first man/dog to visit them all. And finally, here is a very quick video of a few of the great human/canine partners we saw at last year’s game. Looking forward to making plenty of new friends this Saturday.