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August 6, 2012

Everybody Loves The Weekend

Whether you’re a person or a pet, there’s nothing quite like the weekend.  Eko and I love our weekday adventures, but the weekend always brings out more dogs, more people and more smiles.  This past weekend we visited a few of our favorite weekday spots to see how the weekend
Whether you’re a person or a pet, there’s nothing quite like the weekend.  Eko and I love our weekday adventures, but the weekend always brings out more dogs, more people and more smiles.  This past weekend we visited a few of our favorite weekday spots to see how the weekend crowd stacked up.

dog friendly blog

Eko’s jokes had the crowd at Wiggly Field rolling on the floor laughing

pet friendly blog

That, my friends, is a weekend smile!

dog friendly blog

The Windy City Bandit was at it again at Montrose Dog Beach

dog friendly blog

Eko believes that If you don’t leave the beach with at least five pounds of sand attached to you, you didn’t have a good time

pet blog

Like the rest of us, after a fun weekend, Eko has a tough time on Monday mornings

Now, I’m not a scientist (editor’s note: no one has ever thought Will was a scientist), but my research shows that pets definitely know when it’s the weekend.  Like the people they were with, the pups all had some extra pep in their step.  I think it just may be physically impossible to frown when you are with your dog at the beach on a beautiful weekend afternoon.  So make sure to bring your pet on your next weekend outing and you will be guaranteed to have a great time!

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