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March 18, 2014

Eviction Notice

Remember when I said I had a roof over my head? Well, I still do, but only until the end of April. We’re not actually getting evicted – our landlord is selling the apartment so we have to pack up and find a new place to live.
Remember when I said I had a roof over my head? Well, I still do, but only until the end of April. We’re not actually getting evicted – our landlord is selling the apartment so we have to pack up and find a new place to live.

I wish, like Eko, all my belongings could just pack themselves

It was not until I learned we had to leave I realized how much this place was our home. Eko and I lived a nomadic life before moving to Chicago, so this apartment was the first place we both put down roots.

Eko guarded our home from noisy intruders

And welcomed guests of all shapes and sizes and species

Even when he wasn’t exactly sure who or what our guests were. Babies can be confusing

And most importantly, Eko knows all the best places to sunbathe in this apartment

We’re going to miss this place, but there will be time to wax nostalgic later. Right now our mission is to make sure we still have a roof over our head come May 1!

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