Whether they need to go outside, or dinner is ten seconds late, or they want me to move over on the couch, Eko and Penny are well-practiced at lodging their complaints
Although their claims of injustice are often the same, Eko and Penny have distinct styles for filing grievances.
Eko is the sad, silent sobber. He won’t fight bathtime, but he’ll certainly make me feel terrible about it with those eyes and mournful face!
Penny, as always, is direct. She nudges, whines and even howls to make absolutely certain her feelings are known
I feel like I’m constantly being interrogated in a good cop/bad cop scene.
“It’s okay, Will. You don’t have to give us the treats. I’m sure you need the treats more than us. I’ll just cry on the inside for a few hours, it will be fine…”
Safe to say, resistance is futile – the pups always get the extra treats. I can only resist their one-two punch of quiet-mourning and howling-complaints for so long.
So what about you guys? Are your pets yowlers, howlers, whiners, or silent protestors?