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December 5, 2011

How Do You Like Them Apples?

Our stay here in Boston has come to a close, and we are on the move to Portland, Maine.  Despite waking up to Fenway Park outside my window each morning, Eko and I had an absolute blast during our week in the city. To answer the obvious question about Boston;
Our stay here in Boston has come to a close, and we are on the move to Portland, Maine.  Despite waking up to Fenway Park outside my window each morning, Eko and I had an absolute blast during our week in the city. To answer the obvious question about Boston; yes, we love them apples.  This week we made a ton of friends, saw some great places and enjoyed playing outdoors in the unseasonably warm weather.  A special thanks goes out to the staff of the Hotel Commonwealth who hosted us during our stay.  Eko now considers himself best friends with at least half the staff. (Best friend meaning that he puppy-dog-eyes them for treats every time we walk in or out.)

The ducks are heading south, we’re heading north

There wasn’t enough time to report on all of our travels this week, so I’ll be posting a Boston recap later today.  Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas for places we should visit in Boston – you really helped us find some gems we might have otherwise missed.  If you know of anywhere in Maine we need to see, leave a comment or contact us @WillandEko On to the Pine Tree State!

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