The more time you spend with your pet the more you begin to notice the subtleties of their personality. Just like us, their moods vary from day to day, depending on circumstance. After a couple rainy days I can always tell when Eko is bored and restless. So it makes it that much sweeter when the sun breaks through the clouds and I can see how just how happy it makes Eko.
Soaking up the sun
Not all trips to the dog beach are created equal. On overcast days when the beach is empty Eko will sometimes do little more than trot around. But on nice days there is no slowing him down. Check out this series of photos of Eko and a lab running as near mirror images of each other.
On beautiful summer days Eko’s tail wags faster and his smile stretches from ear to ear but my favorite thing about when Eko is happy is that gravity just seems to get weaker. It almost looks like Eko is bounding on the moon.
Jumping for joy
On sunny days Eko doesn’t care if he’s the only dog at the beach. He is perfectly happy to bound up and down the waterline
And on nice days the cameraman has to have quick feet…
Because Eko is looking to share his happiness with flying hugs!
We’re stuck in the middle of flash floods and thunderstorms here, but I know that on the other side of the rain will be one happy pup! When your pet is in a great mood how do they show you they’re happy?