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October 9, 2013

I May Need To Invest In a SCUBA Tank For Eko

Last Friday I posted a video about Eko teaching himself to bob for dog toys that sunk at the dog beach.  As a number of people pointed out, Ridgebacks are known for their utter disdain of water, but apparently Eko did not get that memo.  In fact, it appears that
Last Friday I posted a video about Eko teaching himself to bob for dog toys that sunk at the dog beach.  As a number of people pointed out, Ridgebacks are known for their utter disdain of water, but apparently Eko did not get that memo.  In fact, it appears that Eko might have been Jacques Cousteau in another life because he is now in love with diving. Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, marking our territory, dogs, funny

As soon as we hit the beach, Eko heads out to chest deep water to search for treasure worth diving for

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, marking our territory, dogs, funny

Last week Eko would only dive nose deep, as seen above, but this week he appears to be much bolder

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, marking our territory, dogs, funny

Eko is a dog on a mission and to get his prize he is willing to put nearly his entire head under water

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, marking our territory, dogs, funny

Check that, he is willing to put his ENTIRE head under water!

If Eko keeps this up it looks like I’m going to have to make an investment:


Hopefully they come in Eko’s size (Photo by Gene Alba)

An incredulous onlooker asked me how I taught a Ridgeback to go under water.  I told him the truth, “I didn’t!”

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