Like my not-so-subtle love of this stationary
At our old apartment, we barely had room to turn around, so decorating wasn’t high on our to-do list. At our new place, we’ve slowly started to adorn the walls.
Not surprisingly, the pups’ influence on my taste in art is quite evident
The art I like, even when not about dogs in particular, just seems so familiar. Now, where have I seen a face like that before…
There it is!
Eko and Penny’s influence is most prevalent in the art I chose to hang in my office.
An authority figure trying to keep two rambunctious cubs in line, aka, the story of my life!
My latest thrift shop pickup, a boy and his wild things, is probably my favorite piece. Nothing makes me happier, in life and in art, than a wild rumpus
What about you guys? Have you ever picked up a painting, print or piece of art because it reminded you of your pet?