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February 11, 2014

Life On The Prairie

Like an eclipse, two things lined up perfectly for us yesterday.  The first thing was that the sun was out!  I had forgotten what it looked like.  The second thing was that Emily, my girlfriend fiancee(!), was off from work. We took advantage of our good fortune

Like an eclipse, two things lined up perfectly for us yesterday.  The first thing was that the sun was out!  I had forgotten what it looked like.  The second thing was that Emily, my girlfriend fiancee(!), was off from work.

We took advantage of our good fortune and made a trip out to Wolf Prairie, an off-leash dog preserve about forty minutes outside Chicago.  It was nice to put the city behind us and go for a romp across dozens of acres of dog paradise.

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, dog blog, marking our territory, chicago,

Eko and Em were off to the races

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, dog blog, marking our territory, chicago,

A fun run in the sun

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, dog blog, marking our territory, chicago,

Eko also had the opportunity to test his new hovercraft collar.  Initial results look promising

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, dog blog, marking our territory, chicago,

We love Chicago, but there is nowhere like this within city limits.  It was fun to watch Eko bound through the grass and explore the trails

Speaking of trails, I found myself completely alone at one point.  When I looked over at a side trail I caught Emily smooching someone else?

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, dog blog, marking our territory, chicago,

The guy was pretty cute, so I can’t blame her

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, dog blog, marking our territory, chicago, Eko hadn’t had an adventurous romp like this in too long

It’s easy to settle into a familiar routine. Yesterday reminded me why it’s worth putting in a bit of an extra effort to try something new. Eko was bouncier than normal and I think the novelty of the visit was great for us both.  We will definitely have to look around for some other new places to check out.

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