On Saturday we cruised the stretch of road that leads to Eko and Penny’s
favorite beach. But with
Canine Influenza still lingeringĀ in the city, we drove right on by. Penny let out a sad whine. By now, the pups could probably drive themselves to the beach blindfolded. They know the drive and the beach by heart.
Our destination that day was my brother’s apartment, which Eko and Penny have only
visited a single time. So I was surprised when they both immediately made a line to my brother’s door and nearly knocked it down trying to get Doc to play.
And play they did.
“Let’s get ready to rumble!”
No hug like a Penny hug
And no jump like a Doc jump! I’m not sure even a bird in flight is safe
Penny spread the love and gave her big bro plenty of affection
Who returned it in his own special way
It was fun afternoon hanging with these two

Although it was only our second trip, the pups clearly have plenty of happy memories fromĀ our visits
Ā Elephants never forget, but when there’s a fun adventure to be had, neither do pups!