Eko came down to breakfast this morning and noticed something was up.
An extra set of bowls…
I didn’t run the plan by Eko, but I thought this week would be a good time to do some community service. And so I invited a couple of senior citizens, my brother James and his dog Dutch, to visit for the week.
Dutch is just a few months shy of 10 and has a distinguished George Clooney-esque beard
After college I lived with James and Dutch for a couple years so it is nice that I am finally able to return the favor and play host. Of course that doesn’t preclude me from making jokes about them both being old men! It’s a long ride from NJ to Chicago so we headed straight for the park to run off some energy.
We managed to get the cousins to hold still for just long enough to get a photo
Then they were off! Dutch still has plenty of spring in those old bones and he bounded around the park for the better part of an hour
A smile said that the long ride was worth it
After the park we walked over to get a closer look at the lake. Maybe a bit too close!
Dutch was begging to jump in – he loves the water – but James wisely held onto the leash
Nothing like soaking up the sun and enjoying the view
Not a bad day for a couple of old fogies!
James and Dutch will be around for the week so Eko and I will get to show them all of our favorite spots. Should be a great time, provided they can keep up!