It’s got enough room for all of us, but just barely
Frankly, it’s a bit cramped
Emily and I recently decided to stay in Chicago after she graduates residency. So we began to look for an apartment of our own
Our goals were pretty modest. We started with the premise we’d like a bedroom where we could open the door without hitting a dog bed
And a place with plenty of a sun was a must. For all species
After months and months of searching I’m happy to report we found the perfect place! It has more space, it has plenty of sun and it has one particular amenity that’s extra special.
It’s walking distance to the dog beach!
Our bid was accepted last month but I’ve kept quiet until the deal was on firmer ground. We still have to make it through closing so I’m holding off on a full-scale celebration until we have the keys in hand.
That said, we couldn’t be more excited about the new digs. If all goes well, we’ll be blogging from the new headquarters before the end of the month. Can’t wait to share the adventure with everyone. More details to come asap!