My brother and sister are, respectively, five and three years older than I am. What this means is that I spent my childhood losing at everything to them. With Easter a few days away, I am reminded of losing egg hunts so badly that my parents would cheat on my behalf and drop eggs in my basket while I was busy not finding any on my own. But those childish days are over! I’m an adult now! And you know what that means? I’m now old enough to win an Easter Egg hunt by cheating for myself.
Yes, you read that correctly. I may be an “adult” but I am still terrible at egg hunts, and my friends and I have one planned for this Sunday. I don’t want to lose, so I have enlisted some help to ensure I come out on top. A bunny hides the eggs, so who better than a bunny to help me find them?
I couldn’t find a bunny rabbit, so I enlisted the help of this Rhodesian Ridgebunny
The party is at a friend’s house, so I first had to develop a cover story as to why I’m bringing Eko. I decided to go with, “Eko loves to dye eggs!”
Boom, now we have a reason for Eko to attend the party
Here is where the scheme really comes together. I’m responsible for bringing the plastic eggs for the hunt.
What my friends don’t know is that today I filled the eggs with dog food and hid them around my apartment
Eko sat by the door, out of sight, while I hid the eggs. On my cue he eagerly set out on the hunt
In no time he discovered all the eggs and devoured his well earned bounty
The eggs are now all laced with a dog-food scent (don’t worry, we’re only hiding pocket change in them – I’m not that diabolical!) and Eko knows he is rewarded for every one he finds. In sum, we have this competition in the bag. Or in he basket, I should say.
My secret weapon!
I have no doubt that my friends will quickly catch on to my scheme so that eventually the hunt ends up with all of us simply chasing after Eko. Sounds like a pretty fun time to me!