I’m not sure exactly when I started, but one day I started a list of my favorite quotations about dogs. The list is an ongoing project, but since I enjoy these quotations so much I thought it would be fun to share them. I’m always looking for new additions, so if you have a favorite quotation about dogs or pets please share it in the comments!
Joyful, joyful, joyful, as only dogs know how to be happy with only the autonomy of their shameless spirit. – Pablo Neruda
I’ve seen a look in dogs’ eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts. – John Steinbeck
What do dogs do on their day off? Can’t lie around – that’s their job! – George Carlin
If you think dogs can’t count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them. – Phil Pastoret
Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. – Robert A. Heinlein
Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. – Mark Twain
If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience. – Woodrow Wilson
The friendship of a dog is precious. It becomes even more so when one is so far removed from home…. I have a Scottie. In him I find consolation and diversion… he is the “one person” to whom I can talk without the conversation coming back to war. – Dwight D. Eisenhower
The factory of the future will have two employees: a man and a dog. The man’s job will be to feed the dog. The dog’s job will be to prevent the man from touching any of the automated equipment. – Warren G. Bennis
In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn’t merely try to train him to be semihuman. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog. -Edward Hoagland