And my own entertainment! Some of Eko and Penny’s best runs happen when we’re alone
With no distractions and no obstacles, the pups have free rein to fly
The only sounds are the alternating rhythms of lapping waves and pounding paws
The pups pause for deep breaths of the cool air
Then take off for another romp
I know a city of nearly three million people lies just beyond eyesight
But for a few moments it’s only me, Eko, Penny,
A fall breeze,
And our own private beach
Once we walk over the dune we re-enter the city and all it’s wonderful cacophony. I always do so more relaxed and more energized. That may sound like a contradiction, but if you have ever been out in the world, alone with just you and your dog you’ll know exactly what I mean.
If you haven’t, I highly recommend finding a beach, trail or quiet place near you!