I told you he’s fast…
Even though I slow him down, Eko is always happy to take me for a run. When I don’t feel like running, Eko will pace around the house until I finally lace up my sneakers. I may not like it at the time, but I appreciate him getting me out the door. In all his exuberance, Eko can sometimes pull on the leash or bound in front of me during the first part of our run. A few weeks ago I might have complained about how tough it is to start a run with Eko, but I recently saw this incredible video about Sami, a blind cross-country athlete who races with her guide dog. If Sami can learn to run blind, then I can certainly learn to run better with Eko.
You never know what kind of interesting people/frogs you will meet when out for a run
And the view always seems that much better when Eko and I have had to work for it
One of my bucket list goals this year is to run in a dog-friendly race together. We have been training a few days a week and we are looking for races to register for. If you are interested in running with your dog, you can find some good training tips here. If you know of any pet-friendly races in the Chicago area, or if you just have any good dog-running advice from your own experience, be sure to share!