And while some mayhem is bad luck, there’s no avoiding Penny Mayhem when she wants to start trouble
Like all true mayhem, Penny Mayhem is reckless
Penny doesn’t start battles with Eko to win them, she just does it to stir things up a bit
In fact, I’m pretty sure she enjoys getting beat up as much as she joys dishing it out. The girl is nuts!
I mean, have you ever seen a dog so happy to have her head in a vice grip?
As Eko and I have learned, you can’t stop mayhem. You can only hope to contain her. That’s why Eko holds Penny like this until she decides to cool out for a bit
As for Eko, my favorite nickname for him is “Mr. Baby” on account of his old-man wrinkles combined with his big-baby personality. These days, “Mr. Patient” might be more apt.
It’s not easy, but if you had to pick just one nickname for your pet, which one would it be?