Eko and I run this operation using the “Pick Two” method. The method is simple; all of our outings must satisfy at least two of the following criteria:
1. Fun
2. Adventure
3. Serious
The pick two method ensures we only have fun adventures, serious adventures and serious fun. On rare occasion we hit the trifecta and have a seriously fun adventure. This Sunday, at the Beggin Pet Parade in St. Louis, a seriously fun adventure is a guarantee. It’s our third year attending the parade and I could not be more excited for the spectacle.
The Beggin Pet Parade makes Cirque du Soleil look tame
The Beggin Pet Parade holds the Guinness record for “Largest parade of costumed animals.” I really can’t articulate how much joy it brings to my heart that this absurd category even exists and that a professional was hired to individually count costumed dogs. Priceless.
When it comes to fun adventures taken seriously, the Pet Parade does it right.
Last year’s Queen had her own honor guard
Two years ago Eko went as a Mardi Gras reveler, but this year I’m hoping for a bit more exotic costume
I suggested Eko disguise himself as a human, but he nixed that idea
Then I suggested he disguise himself as a dog! I still remember the look of contempt he gave me for that one
We still have a couple days to think up a costume, but I’m sure we’ll figure it out. Inevitably the only thing that matters is we have a good time and smile. And at the pet parade there are no shortage of good times and smiles.
One happy reveler
Proceeds from the parade benefit the Open Door Animal Sanctuary, so the event is a seriously fun adventure for a seriously great cause. Can’t wait!
If you’re in the St. Louis area on Sunday be sure to come down to the parade and say hello.