This morning I got a pleasant reminder that no matter how well you know your pet, they always have a new trick you haven’t seen or a funny quirk you never noticed. I think the nice weather must have Eko thinking about his beach body because in the middle of our walk he showed off a new workout I have never seen before.
It happened in the park when we met a new friend – Eko’s Ridgeback cousin, Bella. Eko normally loves to romp, but after a brief introduction, Eko summarily flopped to the ground and began to whine and paw at Bella.
Both Bell and I were quite confused at first
Eko sat up, Bella came over to investigate and Eko immediately flopped over again
Eko rolled on his back and whined at Bella. I certainly had no idea what he wanted, but Bella must have got the message
Bella hopped over Eko and he immediately popped up! The two romped for a bit and Eko pulled this exact same maneuver four or five more times
Every time Bella jumped over him, Eko came up laughing with his tail wagging furiously. He thought it was the funniest thing ever!
I have never seen Eko play leap-frog like this before and my sides still hurt from watching his new game. It is nice to know that even a routine morning walk can still hold some fun surprises.
Has your pet ever surprised you with a new personality quirk or behavior? (I have a feeling I might get a few “she hadn’t eaten one of my sandals in six years!!!!” comments!)
And lastly, since it is Mischief Monday, I thought it would only be fitting to share the “Most Mischievous” feature going on over at the Petcentric Facebook page. Check it out, share your photo (I know you have plenty!) and your pet could be featured.