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December 3, 2012

Physical Therapy Has Never Been So Fun

For the past few weeks my job has been to keep the lid on the bottle of lightning known as Eko.  He might have a fractured toe, but his injury certainly didn’t curb his  boundless energy.  After nearly a month of curtailed activity, we finally got the all clear
For the past few weeks my job has been to keep the lid on the bottle of lightning known as Eko.  He might have a fractured toe, but his injury certainly didn’t curb his  boundless energy.  After nearly a month of curtailed activity, we finally got the all clear to let Eko loose for a run.  Which is great for two reasons.  First, it’s a beautiful day out.  And second:  


Eko was close to figuring out how to unlock the door and stage a prison break

Chicago isn’t exactly known for its 70° December days, so Eko’s first romp of freedom couldn’t have come on a more perfect morning.  We drove up to our favorite summertime hangout, Montrose Dog Beach, for some physical therapy.

Rhodesian Ridgeback, dog blogEko’s first taste of sweet, sweet freedom

We had the entire stretch of beach to ourselves and the sand gave Eko the perfect cushion to run on.  When I let him off leash he paused for a moment, took a deep breath and then took off like he was in the Kentucky Derby.

Rhodesian Ridgeback, pet adventure

Eko captured some of his freedom romp on the EkoCam5000

Rhodesian Ridgeback, pet adventure, dog blog, pet blog

Pure joy

I never thought I would be writing about a trip to the beach in December, but hey I’m not complaining.  Neither is Eko.  It was such a treat to watch him back action, doing what he does best – running around like a lunatic.  It looks like there are record high temperatures across the country today – how are you and your pet taking advantage of the day?

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