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August 12, 2014

Putting Time Back in Meal Time

Eko and Penny are not just food-motivated, they are food-obsessed. Both are expert magicians when it comes to making food disappear. However, fast eating is both troublesome and dangerous for pups. When Eko used to inhale meals, he would immediately look to me and whine for more. It would take
Eko and Penny are not just food-motivated, they are food-obsessed. Both are expert magicians when it comes to making food disappear. However, fast eating is both troublesome and dangerous for pups. When Eko used to inhale meals, he would immediately look to me and whine for more. It would take 10-20 minutes for the food to hit his stomach and for the knucklehead to stop bothering me. In all dogs, but especially large breeds, bloat is a dangerous condition which can be brought on or made worse from speed eating. I have tried a number of different solutions and products for my ravenous pack, so I thought it would be worth sharing what’s worked for me in case you’re looking to put some time back into meal time. 12.1

These Kyjen slo-bowl feeders have become our go-to for most meals

For about ten bucks apiece on Amazon, these Kyjen bowls have been an invaluable investment. The bowls require the pups to really work to extract every piece of kibble. Both dogs are quite enthusiastic about the task.  The bowls dramatically slow how fast the dogs can eat and when the meal is finished there’s no whining for more. I also switch up the bowls between the two dogs to keep things interesting.


When breakfast needs a bit more adventure, I break out the Kong Wobbler. This scarred veteran has survived many a battle with Eko 


I recently introduced Penny to the wobbler. Not only does it slow down meal time, the wobbler also gives Penny mental stimulation and coordination practice


I had to give the pup a little help at first…


But she caught on quite quickly and then never took her eye off the prize


Penny loved batting her new toy around the living room and I loved how tired/content she was after her meal


I also rigged a camera to the Kong for a bit so we’ll have to see if I got anything good!

Penny was so enamored with the Kong that she wouldn’t stop playing with it even after I showed her the food was gone. I finally had to hide it behind my bed, but for some reason I’m not sure that will be enough…


“You can’t hide from me!”

If your dog is a speed eater like mine are, I highly recommend you invest in a product to slow them down. Whether a bowl, a toy or something else, slowing down meal time is an easy way to make your pups happier, healthier, and as an added side bonus, a little bit more tired.

I’m always on the lookout for novel ways to make meals a bit slower/more interesting for the pups, so if you have a favorite toy, method or product be sure to let me know!

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