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October 3, 2013

The Art Of Petting A Pet

Normally I write about “pet” the noun, but today I’m writing about “pet” the verb.  Just as no two pets (nouns) are alike, no two pets (verbs) are alike either.  Still with me?  Me neither, but let’s keep going. Petting a pet is much more of an art

Normally I write about “pet” the noun, but today I’m writing about “pet” the verb.  Just as no two pets (nouns) are alike, no two pets (verbs) are alike either.  Still with me?  Me neither, but let’s keep going.

Petting a pet is much more of an art than a science.  Who knows why some pets like to be scratched behind the ears while others prefer a belly rub, but each pet has a way of asking for a unique brand of affection.  These are Eko’s favorites.

Rhodesian Ridgeback, dogs, adventure, marking our territory, petcentric, Eko, pet friendly, favorite spot

Eko’s bronze medal goes to the neck scratch.  For some reason he usually likes this one in the morning.  I know he’s looking for a neck scratch when he sits in front of me and tilts his head up

Rhodesian Ridgeback, dogs, adventure, marking our territory, petcentric, Eko, pet friendly, favorite spot

The silver medal goes to the chest scratch.  If Eko stands facing me on all fours it usually means he wants a chest scratch

Neck and chest scratches are nice for Eko, but neither even comes close to winning the gold medal for “best scratch in Eko’s world.”  Eko’s favorite scratch is not for the meek of heart and requires a durable pair of legs.  Ladies and gentleman, I present to you the ninety-five-pound-not-so-lap-dog-butt-scratch:

Rhodesian Ridgeback, dogs, adventure, marking our territory, petcentric, Eko, pet friendly, favorite spot

If I’m sitting on the couch, Eko will turn his whole body and reverse his back half right onto my lap.  My legs support his weight and he gives me the (pictured above) “you know what to do” look

Rhodesian Ridgeback, dogs, adventure, marking our territory, petcentric, Eko, pet friendly, favorite spot

And so I dutifully scratch that knucklehead’s butt and all is well in the world.  All except for my numb legs!

Yet again, I’m convinced that Eko truly believes himself to be a small dog.  Does anyone else have a pet that lets them know when they’re looking for a specific scratch?

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