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June 30, 2014

The Art of Sibling Blame

As someone who is both a younger brother and an older brother, I am well versed in the art of tactical sibling maneuvers. For example, as a treat my mom would buy us a box of doughnuts. Each kid was allotted two doughnuts over the course of the week. Week? Yeah right.
As someone who is both a younger brother and an older brother, I am well versed in the art of tactical sibling maneuvers. For example, as a treat my mom would buy us a box of doughnuts. Each kid was allotted two doughnuts over the course of the week. Week? Yeah right. As a younger sibling I learned I had to eat both of my doughnuts immediately or else one would be stolen. Given our circumstances, younger siblings have to be crafty. And from what I can see with Penny, younger siblings across all species share similar tactics. Rhodesian RIdgeback, puppy, adventure, marking our territory, chicago

While hunting in the shadows, Penny caught herself a sock that strayed from the herd

Rhodesian RIdgeback, puppy, adventure, marking our territory, chicago

But when I flipped on the lights she tried to pull the old “Yawnnn, nothing going on here”

Rhodesian RIdgeback, puppy, adventure, marking our territory, chicago

And then stretch and act perplexed as to why the sock was under her paws

Rhodesian RIdgeback, puppy, adventure, marking our territory, chicago

“Oh, this sock? No, you’re mistaken, it’s not for me.”

Rhodesian RIdgeback, puppy, adventure, marking our territory, chicago

“I’m just returning it to the guy who actually took it.”

Rhodesian RIdgeback, puppy, adventure, marking our territory, chicago

“Can you believe Eko took that sock? What a naughty brother I have. Eko you should be ashamed of the example you’re setting for me!”

Rhodesian RIdgeback, puppy, adventure, marking our territory, chicago

“Will, tell me you’re not buying this.”

Luckily for Eko, I’ve been around the sibling block a few times and I certainly know the old “my brother made me do it” trick quite well. Penny’s going to have to get a bit more creative if she hopes to get one by me.

And I never would thought I’d see the day when wild-dog Eko would be the model canine citizen! There’s hope for Penny yet.

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