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April 24, 2013

The Dog Park Is Closed. And That’s A Good Thing.

We caught a break with the weather today so Eko and I decided to head over to the dog park.  However, as we approached I noticed a distinct lack of play barks or the usual sound of paws flying by.  Something was up. Eko normally

We caught a break with the weather today so Eko and I decided to head over to the dog park.  However, as we approached I noticed a distinct lack of play barks or the usual sound of paws flying by.  Something was up.

Rhodesian Ridgeback photo, pet adventure, dog blog, pet photos

Eko normally heads straight for the gate but today there was a lot to investigate outside the park fence

Rhodesian Ridgeback photo, pet adventure, dog blog, pet photos

Over the ridge of the park came a rumbling sound that quickly caught Eko’s attention.  Can you spot what it was?

Rhodesian Ridgeback photo, pet adventure, dog blog, pet photos

“Will, I do believe that it the strangest dog I have ever seen.”

I momentarily worried that puppy paradise was being paved for a parking lot, but a worker assured me that this was not the case.  In fact, quite the opposite – the park is under renovation.

Rhodesian Ridgeback photo, pet adventure, dog blog, pet photos

About a third of the old park was fenced off for this agility course.  Unfortunately the agility course had fallen into disrepair.  The equipment was so close together that it was tough for more than one dog to use the area at a time

The former borderThe work to expand the park is well underway

We didn’t make it to the park today, but I don’t think Eko will mourn the loss once he  has his first romp in the new digs!

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