I love visiting downtown Chicago, especially during the holiday season. Unfortunately, since Eko is not allowed on the El (subway system) it means that I have to drive downtown if I want to bring him. And if I drive downtown then I have the dreaded task of figuring out where to park.
Last week, when I planned a trip to Chicago’s Christkindlmarket, I figured there had to be an better way to find a spot than driving around in circles for hours or paying a lot of money. And I figured right.
Parking Panda is an app I found that lets you find and reserve parking ahead of time
Eko found a spot right by the market for much cheaper than what I paid last year. I booked it and we were off in no time. Nice app to keep handy for future trips downtown
The market is pet-friendly, but Eko wanted to double check with security
Eko has a discerning eye so he helped me check out some potential presents
The fragile stuff was pretty to look at, but Eko’s big tail has been known to do damage so we admired it from afar
The eternal flame in Daley Plaza is a popular attraction with all sorts of locals
The real Santa loves pets, but unfortunately his stand-in in Chicago does not
Nevertheless we had a great time walking through the market and gearing up for the holidays
I’m probably gained about five pounds on Thanksgiving, but hopefully keeping up with Eko as we sprint towards Christmas should help with that. Hope everyone had a great holiday!