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July 21, 2014

“This pup is crazy!”

One of the things I love about Penny, and all young pups, is their relentless, unfiltered exuberance. That exuberance requires no cause or justification, it just simply is. However, it can also be exasperating for me to keep up. I’m not the only one though – I have captured plenty
One of the things I love about Penny, and all young pups, is their relentless, unfiltered exuberance. That exuberance requires no cause or justification, it just simply is. However, it can also be exasperating for me to keep up. I’m not the only one though – I have captured plenty of four-legged friends who all share a look which says the same thing – “This pup is crazy!” Rhodesian Ridgeback, puppy, chicago, marking our territory, pet-friendly

There of course a plethora of photos with Eko in varying states of exasperation, but this is one of my favorites. “Will, she has a soccer ball stuck to her head and is jumping on my head. And you’re just going to laugh?” Answer: yes.

Rhodesian Ridgeback, puppy, chicago, marking our territory, pet-friendly

My brother’s dog, Dutch, tried the old “If I don’t look at her in the eyes, maybe this crazy pup will leave me alone.” Answer: nope!

Rhodesian Ridgeback, puppy, chicago, marking our territory, pet-friendly

Even Auggie, a puppy himself, was happily exasperated. “This pup is crazy, Will. I like her, but she’s crazy!”

Rhodesian Ridgeback, puppy, chicago, marking our territory, pet-friendly

At the dog park this pup kept picking up different tennis balls and running away. He didn’t understand Penny didn’t want a tennis ball, she just wanted to romp

Rhodesian Ridgeback, puppy, chicago, marking our territory, pet-friendly

The eyes say it all here! 

Rhodesian Ridgeback, puppy, chicago, marking our territory, pet-friendly

Accidentally, this guy slammed into Penny at the beach and sent her rolling. He was worried about Penny at first, but when she popped up and came storming his way I think he was more worried about himself!

Is Penny a bit crazy? I think humans and dogs would agree, but that’s what makes her such a perfect fit for me!

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