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June 16, 2014

Underdog? Penny doesn’t think so!

We all knew it was only a matter of time before the inevitable happened. While watching the World Cup this weekend, Eko and Penny disagreed about the best way to share the futon. “Penny! This is my side!” “Go back to your side!”
We all knew it was only a matter of time before the inevitable happened. While watching the World Cup this weekend, Eko and Penny disagreed about the best way to share the futon.rhodesian ridgeback, puppy, adventure, marking our territory, chicago, dogs

“Penny! This is my side!”

rhodesian ridgeback, puppy, adventure, marking our territory, chicago, dogs

“Go back to your side!”

Eko was not thrilled with Penny’s incursion, but my little girl can be quite persuasive.

rhodesian ridgeback, puppy, adventure, marking our territory, chicago, dogs

“Bro, relax. Just hear me out.”

rhodesian ridgeback, puppy, adventure, marking our territory, chicago, dogs

“Let me roll you over like this…”

rhodesian ridgeback, puppy, adventure, marking our territory, chicago, dogs

“Ok, now you stay like this. And give me a second…”

rhodesian ridgeback, puppy, adventure, marking our territory, chicago, dogs


rhodesian ridgeback, puppy, adventure, marking our territory, chicago, dogs

50% of my dogs think this is a great idea

The USA isn’t favored in their World Cup efforts, but hopefully Penny has provided some inspiration. You don’t have to be the biggest dog to come out on top!

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