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October 21, 2016

[VIDEO] Penny Wise and Hound Foolish

Eko taught me the regal, loyal, and steady wisdom of a king. In my grief, Penny teaches me the mischievous,  mirthful and irrepressible wisdom of a jester. I stand over an abyss, precariously balanced on a wavering bridge. Only a fool would suggest the best way for a man with unsteady feet to survive an
Eko taught me the regal, loyal, and steady wisdom of a king. In my grief, Penny teaches me the mischievous,  mirthful and irrepressible wisdom of a jester. I stand over an abyss, precariously balanced on a wavering bridge. Only a fool would suggest the best way for a man with unsteady feet to survive an unstable bridge is to dance across it. But Penny does exactly that. So I lift my eyes up from the darkness and instead look at my foolishly wise hound. We twirl and spin and revel in a chaotic choreography. And for a time there is no darkness and there is no bridge. Just a boy and his dog, dancing in the park. Both on leash and in life, Penny pulls me forward.

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