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September 25, 2013

Walking Your Dog: Business or Pleasure?

With cold weather approaching, I will admit that sometimes I grumble when Eko needs to go for a walk.  When it is late at night, or I’m running late or the weather is bad, I take Eko out for what I call a “business walk.”  He goes to the

With cold weather approaching, I will admit that sometimes I grumble when Eko needs to go for a walk.  When it is late at night, or I’m running late or the weather is bad, I take Eko out for what I call a “business walk.”  He goes to the bathroom and we get home asap. Often, Eko is completely on board and eager to return to the comfort of the couch.  Even he doesn’t need for every outing to be an adventure.

But other times when the weather is nice or the mood strikes me, I like to take Eko out for an additional walk outside of our normal schedule.  Sure, I could drive to the bank or get my errands done faster on my own, but I always seem to enjoy my trips more when Eko comes with me.

  Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, dogs, marking our territory, petcentric

Eko trying to learn my pin number so he can take out treat money without me knowing

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, dogs, marking our territory, petcentric

While I withdrew some quarters to use for laundry, Eko waited his turn to withdraw from his treat fund.  He’s a regular at the bank and he knows the tellers always have a treat for him

When we are out on walks without a mission or a destination, we tend to see new things and make new friends.

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, dogs, marking our territory, petcentric

This German Short Haired Pointer we met was a professional bird dog.  She would stalk and point to squirrels in the park but she never bolted for them.  I need to take Eko to whatever training class she went to!

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, dogs, marking our territory, petcentric

I also looked up and saw this sign.  I can’t figure out what ordinance 98 – 19 is, but I really want this sign in my apartment for when Eko starts whining

Rhodesian Ridgeback, adventure, dogs, marking our territory, petcentric

And of course, you know you had a good walk when your dog comes back two-toned

Not every walk is a stroll in the park, but I am certainly glad for the ones that are!

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