We started our trip with some dog-friendly lounging and football in the room
At least three skaters at Kennedy Plaza fell while trying to get a look at Eko
I can’t skate and they didn’t have any skates in Eko’s size, so we just enjoyed a walk around the park before calling it a night. This morning the plan was to visit three spots: the Gano Street Dog Park, the Plaid & Stripe dog store and the dog-friendly Books on the Square. As the great Meatloaf once sang,”Two out of three ain’t bad.” The Gano Street Dog Park is located at the intersection of Gano and Power streets in the eastern part of the city. The fenced in dog park isn’t very large but it’s located right on the river which is nice. It also gets a pretty good crowd throughout the day which is great for dogs like Eko who prefer a playmate to a ball or stick.Eko couldn’t believe his good luck when a dog walker showed up with five friends
After romping for a good hour, we made our way to 182 Wayland Avenue, the address where the almighty Google told me Plaid & Stripe would be located. All we found was a boutique clothing store with a lonely water bowl out front. Turns out that Plaid & Stripe has recently moved its shop. Come on now, Google! We trusted you! The Plaid & Stripe visit has since been rescheduled for a visit tomorrow (at the proper address- 17 South Angell Street).
Following our minor mishap, it was on to the bookstore. I was somewhat skeptical of a bookstore being dog-friendly, but Books on the Square proved me wrong before we even walked in the door.
Eko had to read the sign twice before he believed it
We recreated the cover photo of a book about cross-species friendships
The staff at Books on the Square were extremely welcoming and even had a treat in hand for Eko. Based on prior experience, I’m sure Eko will now try to stop at every bookstore we see in hopes of getting a treat. It is really cool to see retail stores open their doors to pets and we appreciate places like Books on the Square who welcome our four legged friends with open arms.
As always, we are looking for more pet-friendly places in the area. If you live in Providence and want to meet up at your favorite spot, or if you just know of a place we shouldn’t miss out on, let us know!