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June 15, 2012

Welcome Our New Camera Crew

Whew, we just got back to the apartment after a whirlwind day in the summer heat.  It’s so hot that I look like I jumped in a swimming pool and Eko is laying on the floor of my closet trying to cool off.  Our first stop was the

Whew, we just got back to the apartment after a whirlwind day in the summer heat.  It’s so hot that I look like I jumped in a swimming pool and Eko is laying on the floor of my closet trying to cool off.  Our first stop was the Dog Beach at Belmont Harbor.  Belmont is nowhere near the caliber of Montrose Dog Beach but it’s closer to home and an easy place to visit for a quick romp.

dog friendly chicago

Eko particularly enjoyed the visit because he got to be “Lord of the Little Dogs”

Next up, we drove out west to check out a garage sale.  I was hoping to find some furniture for the apartment but had no luck on that front.  Eko of course nosed his way right to the stuffed animals and immediately picked up the biggest one.  He gave me the “I forgot my wallet so you can cover me for this, right?” look, and then happily proceeded to toss the new toy with glee.

dog friendly chicago

Eko has a nose for finding the perfect toy

As we drove back into the city, the traffic gave me some time to think about all of our adventures to come.  I thought of all the fun opportunities Chicago has to offer and I came to the unfortunate realization that it would be tough for me to capture all of those great adventures on camera by myself.  Then I had a revelation which I wish I would have had about ten months ago – I know the perfect guy to help capture the adventure.  He’s energetic, fun and he works pretty cheap.

Ladies and gentlemen, please give a round of applause to Marking Our Territory’s new cameramandog!

dog friendly chicago

“Will, I did not sign up for this…”

I made a quick pit stop on our way home to pick up the harness, and voila, the blog will now feature views from the Ekocam 5000™!  I’m testing out the rig this weekend and I’ll post some video next week – I have a feeling it’s going to be pretty hilarious.

Hope everyone has a fun weekend.  If you have an idea for an activity, adventure or challenge that you think Eko and I should try, be sure to drop us a line at [email protected].

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