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December 10, 2012

What Makes Your Pet Unique?

Whether you have had one pet or twenty, you know that every pet is unique.  They have personality (petsonality?) and quirks all their own.  They have habits and preferences and a repertoire of tricks you never taught them.  Here are a few of my favorite little things that make Eko…well,

Whether you have had one pet or twenty, you know that every pet is unique.  They have personality (petsonality?) and quirks all their own.  They have habits and preferences and a repertoire of tricks you never taught them.  Here are a few of my favorite little things that make Eko…well, Eko!

Rhodesian Ridgeback, pet adventure, dog blog

I call this pose, “The Thinker.”  Despite having a full three-cushion couch to stretch out on, Eko often prefers to sit on the couch, rest his head on the back and ponder the mysteries of the universe for hours on end.  It doesn’t look very comfortable, but he loves it!

Rhodesian Ridgeback, pet blog

Where is your pet’s favorite place to be scratched?  For Eko it is right on either side of his back hips.  Visitors often wonder why Eko is so eager to show off his derriere, so I quickly have to explain that he is just hoping to get a scratch.

Rhodesian Ridgeback, pet blog

Since moving to Chicago, Eko has taken up the role of watchdog at the apartment.  For no apparent reason, he often sticks his head out of the top of the stairs and looks around the apartment for five minutes or so.

Rhodesian Ridgeback, pets

Much like his dad, subtly is not Eko’s specialty.  Other dogs I’ve had would drop hints when they wanted affection, but Eko simply prefers to turn himself into a canine torpedo

You could replace Eko with a perfect looking clone, but it wouldn’t take long for me to recognize the impostor.  The habits, tendencies and idiosyncrasies just can’t be faked!

What quirks or habits make your pet unique?

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