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October 26, 2015

When the Going gets Tough, the Tough get Blankets

We’ve been lucky to enjoy some extended warm weather here in Chicago, but we’re now on the inevitable march to freezing temperatures. Emily usually complains it’s too cold anytime the thermostat dips below 80 degrees and the dogs aren’t much better. Cooler temps mean waning sunspots are worth
We’ve been lucky to enjoy some extended warm weather here in Chicago, but we’re now on the inevitable march to freezing temperatures. Emily usually complains it’s too cold anytime the thermostat dips below 80 degrees and the dogs aren’t much better.

Cooler temps mean waning sunspots are worth fighting for

And fight they do! Luckily we have a familiar panacea for all cold-weather worries

There’s no quicker way to quiet these two down than to swaddle them in a blanket

The experience isn’t complete until they bury themselves

Fall is definitely a “Dog Jedi” season in my house

It’s slightly ridiculous how many blankets we have.

The dogs have a tough time parting with their hoard, so laundry can be a challenge

As I joke I decided to see how many blankets the dogs would let me tuck them in with. I ran out of blankets before I found the answer.

“Penny, I think this is the best day of our lives.”


Is it worth a few extra loads of laundry to keep all these blanket around? You bet. Warm dogs are quiet dogs!

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