Cooler temps mean waning sunspots are worth fighting for
And fight they do! Luckily we have a familiar panacea for all cold-weather worries
There’s no quicker way to quiet these two down than to swaddle them in a blanket
The experience isn’t complete until they bury themselves
Fall is definitely a “Dog Jedi” season in my house
It’s slightly ridiculous how many blankets we have.
The dogs have a tough time parting with their hoard, so laundry can be a challenge
As I joke I decided to see how many blankets the dogs would let me tuck them in with. I ran out of blankets before I found the answer.
“Penny, I think this is the best day of our lives.”
Is it worth a few extra loads of laundry to keep all these blanket around? You bet. Warm dogs are quiet dogs!