The entire futon, all to herself – what could be better?
What could prompt the other three dogs to allow little punk Penny to takeover the futon?The chance to quietly curl up next to Emily!
Penny may be a puppy, but she’s no fool. Once she figured out where all the other dogs were she came over to join the party
“Awwww, come on Emily, there’s no room!” Eko complained
And so poor Penny was forced to sleep alone. She had the entire couch to herself, but as you can see she didn’t look too comfortable
So Em called Penny back over to join the crew. After some jostling Penny managed to find the most comfortable spot in the apartment
And what is the most comfortable spot in any home? It’s always right next to you!
While the futon and my large couch remained empty, the gang all snuggled, piled together on the small couch for the better part of an hour.
When you’re at home, how does your gang like to lounge with you?