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December 17, 2012

Will And Eko Christmas Cards: Take Two

Our first attempt at taking a photo for Christmas cards didn’t exactly work out as planned. Our subsequent photo shoot almost ended in disaster as well. Once Eko realized there was a stuffed toy on top of the tree he nearly knocked over the tree trying to get
Our first attempt at taking a photo for Christmas cards didn’t exactly work out as planned. Our subsequent photo shoot almost ended in disaster as well. Rhodesian Ridgeback, pet adventure

Once Eko realized there was a stuffed toy on top of the tree he nearly knocked over the tree trying to get it down

Instead of attempting a third photo shoot, I opted to send holiday cards of a different sort.  While on the road, one of the most amazing places Eko and I visited was Dog Mountain.  Nestled in a quiet Vermont town, Dog Mountain was built by artist Stephen Huneck and his wife Gwendolyn.  The property includes open fields and off-leash trails along the side of a mountain, a store featuring Huneck’s dog-inspired art and a chapel Huneck built to celebrate the lives all dogs.

Rhodesian Ridgeback, dog mountain

The chapel at Dog Mountain.  Can you spot the dog pretending to be a sculpture?

I love the work and mission of Dog Mountain, so this year we ordered cards from there to help support a great cause.

dog blog, pet adventure

It doesn’t hurt that the cards also appealed to my sense of humor!

Rhodesian Ridgeback, pet blog

While I worked on the cards, Eko finished up his letter to Santa

Rhodesian Ridgeback, christmas cardHonest and to the point.  I think the little guy will make the cut for the Nice List

It may be a bit late in the season for you to pick up holiday cards, but Dog Mountain  also sells plenty of other fun and original dog-themed products that help keep the mountain free and open to the public.  And if you ever find yourself in the Vermont area, don’t miss the chance to visit Dog Mountain yourself.  It truly is a unique and incredible place!

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