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July 24, 2012

Windy City Bandit

We’re home!  Well, we just left our old home and got back to our new home after we had left our

We’re home!  Well, we just left our old home and got back to our new home after we had left our new home to visit our old home.  Glad that’s cleared up.  We were on the road for about thirteen hours yesterday, but thankfully Eko still had the energy during our lunch break to make sure my new pillow works.

dog friendly road trip

“Will, I just want to make sure you don’t get stuck with a bad pillow.  You can thank me later.”

While I spent this morning moving boxes and unpacking, Eko spent his time masterminding an Ocean’s Eleven type caper.  During a few of my trips to the car, I noticed that Eko was sitting on the stairs and acting strange.  If I looked away I could hear him shuffling, but if I looked back all I saw was this:

dog friendly chicago

“Nothing going on over here…Will, why don’t you just walk outside for a minute”

Eko played coy as long as he could, but soon enough I realized what his target was.

dog friendly chicago

I thought the top of the fridge was the perfect place to store Eko’s bones and treats, but the Windy City Bandit realized that he could break into the vault from the stairs

dog friendly chicago

When Eko realized I was onto his game, he gave me the sullen “you caught me” criminal look

dog friendly chicago

Turns out that the look was just a decoy, because moments later he darted his head through the railing and ran off with his prize

Normally, I make Eko work to earn his treats, but in this case I had to applaud his clever thievery.  While Eko happily munches on his bounty, I have to get back to unpacking.  Tomorrow’s a new day for adventure!

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