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June 26, 2012

Creative Problem Solving

One of my favorite parts of our trip across the country was visiting cities like Boston, Dallas and San Francisco that offered pet-friendly public transportation.  I read that Chicago was another city which welcomed pets on board public transportation, but we found out this morning that

One of my favorite parts of our trip across the country was visiting cities like Boston, Dallas and San Francisco that offered pet-friendly public transportation.  I read that Chicago was another city which welcomed pets on board public transportation, but we found out this morning that there are some major stipulations.

As we walked to the turnstile this morning I was called over by a city worker who informed me that Eko wouldn’t be allowed on the subway.  She let me know that while pets are allowed on public transportation, the requirement is that they must ride in a small carrier.

While walking back to the apartment I realized that the employee didn’t say larger pets were not welcome, she just said that pets must ride in a small carrier.  That got me thinking.  Maybe I could get Eko on the subway – I just needed to find the right carrier.

And so my friends, I present a step-by-step process to find a pet-carrier for a 95 pound dog.

dog friendly chicago

Step 1: “Paper or plastic?” – It turns out that although both paper and plastic bags are excellent for carrying groceries, they do not fare so well at carrying Eko

dog friendly chicago

Step 2: “Think outside the box” – I thought outside the box and came up with the idea to put Eko inside the box.  It looked like a tophat on his head, but I was not deterred

dog friendly chicago

Step 3: “Realize the box isn’t going to work” – Eko could fit one leg in the box, but I   knew we needed to upgrade the size and material of our carrier to have any shot at getting on the subway

dog friendly chicago

Step 4: “Will, are you serious? Why don’t we just drive?” – It was around the time that I put Eko inside my trusty leather bag that he started to question my sanity.  I tried to explain to him that we had to do this based on principle, but he instead agreed to do it based on the principle that I was feeding him treats the whole time.

dog friendly chicago

Step 5: “Consider the implications of lifting a 95 pound dog that is standing in a bag” – In a moment of clarity, I realized that my experiment may not be a good idea

dog friendly chicago

Step 6: “Have the dog sit down in the leather bag and convince yourself to continue” – The point of no return

dog friendly chicago

Step 7: “Prep for liftoff” – I can’t understand why Eko wasn’t smiling 

dog friendly chicago

Step 8: “Success” – See you on the subway!!

Now, am I going to win the Nobel Prize in Physics for my experiment? Probably, but that’s not why I did it.  Luckily, I have a car, so Eko and I are free to roam the city, but there are plenty of pet-owners out there with bigger dogs who are not as fortunate.  Maybe Eko and I can make a few calls while we are in Chicago to let the city know about the successful pet-friendly transportation programs we found.  Fear not big dogs, your day will come!

Comments for Creative Problem Solving

  1. You made me laugh out loud! Eko did not seem like he was laughing though. Thanks I will have to pass this on. Big dog, big bag, not a great idea, but funny, really funny!

  2. Connie says:

    Love it!! Eko is such a good sport! I keep thinking about getting a service dog vest for my weim, but she is too friendly and wiggly whenever she sees someone. The wasabi pea was the best video, too funny.

  3. Paws To Talk says:

    This is hilarious. Eko, dogs like us aren’t meant to be in carriers.
    Bella and DiDi

  4. nyparrot says:

    I can tell Eko is a very patient and obedient dog. If you tried to pack me into a small carrier, your post would be so much shorter and stop at the step number 2… LOL…
    Eko’s face though kept expressing more and more surprise from one pic to the next…

  5. Now, if that bag had wheels, you might be cookin!

  6. Crystal says:

    Great pics and captions!

  7. We think that bag is gonna get mighty heavy. Love the pictures though. Hugs and nose kisses

  8. Jessica says:

    Last year for halloween my local dog friendly establishment had a costume contest. My Great Dane and I won for our impression of “Blond and purse dog (not naming names) super sized” I wish you could of seen the purse I made for her that she walked around in. Holes for the legs, long sholder strap, bright pink. “Take that you purse pups, we’re going to Neiman Marcus. Try and stop me.”

  9. Jessica says:

    Shh, It’s my standard disguise when I want to take her in a store. I wouldn’t want everyone knowing she really isn’t a chihuahua. There can’t be any photographic evedence.

  10. Arijana says:

    Love your ideas 🙂

  11. Hee hee hee heeeee! Oh hee hee (giggle, snort!) Whew! Looka that face on him! Maybe you should invest in a rickshaw for your transportation needs. I’m sure Eko will look VERY dignified being pulled through the streets. Maybe you can get him a velvet cape and a scepter.

  12. […] think we should risk another.  (If you’re dying to see Eko picked up in a bag, you can check out this post of how I tried to bring him on the subway.) Once I put my luggage back in the closet, Eko realized that it had been a false […]

  13. Delft says:

    Easy: you need one of those shopping bags on wheels…

  14. Gizmo says:

    BOL! That is SO funny…Looks like the kind of silliness I’d get up to…and Eko is so patient with you…what a good dog you have there!

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