High noon desert heat is brutal, but Eko really needed to stretch his legs so we stopped by Chaparral Dog Park. Luckily we didn’t get there any earlier because the park was undergoing regular maintenance. Once the park opened up, Eko ran himself ragged.
Eko’s romp was temporarily delayed
Let’s play!
Frequent water breaks were a necessity in the hot sun
Eko basked in the heat on top of an obstacle, but he didn’t last long up there
Things were much cooler inside
Much better
Most dog parks divide into separate areas for big dogs and small dogs, but I prefer parks like Chaparral which divide the space according to energy-levels. Active dogs can run wild in one area while older and more relaxed dogs can hang out in a low energy area. Some little dogs like to brawl with the big guys and some big dogs prefer to be left alone so I think it’s the perfect split. The park isn’t big, but it’s very well kept and the sun will tire your pup out in no time.
It’s supposed to get close to 100 degrees in Phoenix this afternoon so we’re up early to beat the heat. We’re off to Camelback Mountain to tackle a tough hike and get back down the mountain before 10 am. I’ll make sure to post a photo from the top!