Less than ideal redecorating
At dinner I showed the text to my sister who burst out laughing. One, because it wasn’t her couch. Two, because this was the sign behind me at dinner.
Luck? Karma? Coincidence? If it’s fate, it sure has a twisted sense of humor
Once back home I interrogated the suspect. So Penny, what do you have to say for yourself?
“Will, I just want to come clean and tell you the truth….”
“Eko did it.”
“What!? Tell him the truth you punk!”
“OKAYokayokay, I’ll tell him!”
“Jeez, I was just kidding, Eko.”
“Ok, Will. The truth is that a ghost did it.”
The real truth is Penny’s staples are out, her incision looks good and she is recovered from surgery. The vet’s given us permission to bring Penny up to speed so we’re heading out for a short run to stretch her legs in order to keep her from stretching my wallet.
The dog parks are going to be extra crowded this weekend, so I’m saving Penny’s big return until the beginning of next week. She’s going to need all the room she can get!